• contact:
  • PS Film GmbH
  • Mutschellenstr. 105
  • 8038 Zurich, Switzerland
  • fon + 41 (0)44-481 31 70
  • email


PS Film GmbH -- production companymore infos...

For over 35 years in the film business as production manager, Peter Spoerri founded PS Film GmbH in 1994 in Zurich. PS Film produces feature and documentary films for cinema and television.


  • 1992 KINDER DER LANDSTRASSE by Urs Egger (Fiction for Cinema)
  • 1996 PESTALOZZI EXPORT by Tobias Wyss (Documentary for Cinema)
  • 1997 AM ENDE DER WELT (Tatort) by Helmut Förnbacher (TV-Movie)
  • 1998 DER VULKAN by Ottokar Runze, (Fiction-Coproduction for Cinema)
  • 2002 BEHIND ME with Bruno Ganz by Norbert Wiedmer (Documentary for Cinema)
  • 2002 MAN MUSS LANGE SCHAUEN UM ETWAS ZU SEHEN by Joseph Scheidegger (Documentary for TV)
    DARIO M by Hans Liechti (TV-Movie)
  • 2004 PAAR IM KAHN by Marie-Louise Bless (TV-Movie)
    WER KEINEN PASS HAT IST EIN HUND by Bruno Moll (Documentary for Cinema)
    TOD EINER AERZTIN by Markus Fischer (TV-Movie)
    STATIONEN EINER KARRIERE with Bruno Ganz by Norbert Wiedmer (Documentary)
  • 2006 DAS KURZE LEBEN DES JOSE ANTONIO GUTIERREZ by Heidi Specgona (Documentary for Cinema)
    MEERDOLEN by Peter Guyer (Documentary)
    ES LEBE DAS KABARETT! by Werner Zeindler (Documentary)
  • 2007 HUNKELER MACHT SACHEN by Markus Fischer (TV-Movie)
    ZU FUSS NACH SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA by Bruno Moll (Documentary for Cinema)
    GEORGE GRUNTZ by Werner Zeindler (Documentary for Cinema)
  • 2009 EXIT BETHLEHEM by Bruno Moll (Documentary for Cinema)
    OBWALDNER ZAMPANO by Bruno Moll (TV-Movie)
    PASO DOBLE by Norbert Wiedmer and Enrique Ros (Documentary for Cinema)
  • 2011 CARTE BLANCHE by Heidi Specogna (Documentary for Cinema)

[in preparation]

  • DER LETZTE FRÜHLING Fiction by Hans Liechti
  • DIE BLINDE SCHWIMMERIN Fiction by Iain Dilthey
  • DIE RUHIGEN FRAUEN Documentary by Damaris Lüthi

Heidi Specogna -- directormore infos...

Born in Switzerland in 1959

1982-88 film studies at the DFFB film school in Berlin, Germany

Since 2003 lecturer for documentary filmmaking at the Film Academy in Ludwigsburg, Germany

[a selection of films]

  • 1987 Das Schwinden der Schwelle (documentary)
  • 1988 Dischibuti (short film)
  • 1991 Tania La Guerrillera (documentary)
  • 1993 Deckname Rosa (documentary)
  • 1995 Z-Man's Kinder (feature film)
  • 1996 Tupamaros (Coral award at the Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano Havana for the best documentary of a non-Latin American director)
  • 2002 Kaprun (documentary)
  • 2004 Zeit der Roten Nelken (documentary)
    Eine Familienangelegenheit (documentary)
  • 2006 The short life of José Antonio Gutierrez (Premiere Sundance, Locarno Filmfestival, München, Göteborg, Swiss Film Prize 2007, nominated for the German Film Prize 2007)
  • 2010 The Goalgetter's Ship (Premiere Locarno Filmfestival, Leipzig - Youth Award, Duisburg - Public Award)
  • 2011 Esther und die Geister (short documentary)

Sonja Heizmann -- co-writermore infos...

Born in 1974 in Memphis, Tenn., USA, raised in Germany, Sonja Heizmann studied German literature at Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany, and journalism at New York University.

She has been working as a journalist in print, radio and television. Her experience in filmmaking includes developing concepts and producing for the production company zero film, Berlin. Today, Sonja Heizmann works as an author in documentary filmmaking and radio. She also teaches at the film academy in Ludwigsburg, Germany.

Johann Feindt -- director of photographymore infos...

Born in 1951 in Hamburg studied medicine at first. In 1980 he then completed his film studies at the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin. Since then he works as cinematographer and director for documentaries and feature films.

He received international awards for the following films:

  • - Unversöhnliche Erinnerungen
  • - Der Versuch zu leben
  • - Black Box

Filmography as director and cinematographer (selection):

  • 2009 Lullaby (co-directed with Tamara Trampe)
  • 2006 Freischwimmer (D: Andreas Kleinert)
  • 2005 White Ravens – Nightmare in Chechnya (co-directed with Tamara Trampe)
  • 2005 Offset (D: Didi Danquart)
  • 2003 M.I.A. – Missing in Action
  • 1998 My friend the minister (Director, Cinematographer)
  • 1998 Jewboy Levi (D: Didi Danquart)
  • 1995 When I see Germany at night (D: Andreas Kleinert)
  • 1994 Die Vergebung (D: Andreas Hönsch)
  • 1994 Gangrene (co-directed with Didi Danquart; Cinematographer)
  • 1991 Black Box (co-directed with Tamara Trampe; Cinematographer)
  • 1989 My Private War (D: Thomas Kufus)
  • 1982 Der Versuch zu leben (Director)
  • 1979 Unversöhnliche Erinnerungen (co-directed with Klaus Volkenborn und Karl Siebig; Cinematographer)

Thomas Keller -- director of photographymore infos...

Born in Schweinfurt Germany in 1960, he grew up in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In 1980 he returned to Germany and studied business and tourism in Munich. From 1982 to 1985 he attended the School for Photography in Berlin. He has been working as director of photography, soundman and director since.

Director of Photography for the following films:

  • - The Short Life of José Antonio Gutierrez (second camera, director: Heidi Specogna)
  • - The Chancellery (director: Mechthild Gassner)
  • - MIA – Missing in Action (director: Johann Feindt)
  • - Berlin: Symphony of a Great City (second camera, director: Thomas Schadt)
  • - Milch und Honig aus Rotfront (director: Hans Erich Viet, nominated for the German film prize)
  • - Rodina heißt Heimat (director: Helga Reidemeister)
  • - Chaupi Mundi – Center of the world (director: Antje Starost)